After years of planning and careful analysis, Shining Mountain Waldorf School celebrated the opening of its new high school building in the spring of 2024. 

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SMWS plans on starting construction of the Festival Hall addition and then the lower school campus in phases.

The SMWS Board of Trustees is very appreciative of all those who have worked tirelessly over many years to achieve this major milestone with Boulder County.

Boulder Waldorf High School
  • This state-of-the-art facility marks the first phase of a visionary campus redesign, offering students a thoughtfully integrated space for learning and growth. The high school features a range of unique amenities, including modern classrooms, terraced patios, and and playfields. Within this inspiring environment, students engage in a comprehensive curriculum, studying subjects from math, science, and language arts to more hands-on disciplines like woodworking, blacksmithing, and STEM. This new high school space beautifully embodies Shining Mountain’s commitment to a holistic education where students can thrive academically and discover their authentic selves. 
- Sarah Gillis, SMWS Class of 2012 and Sr. Space Operations Engineer at SpaceX

“I feel like one of the really important things that you get out of a Waldorf education is curiosity—curiosity to go and learn and explore what’s out there in the world. I fell into engineering and a path that I don’t think I would have anticipated, but having an arts background where you’re bringing creativity and imagination into problem-solving, there’s a really incredible synergy between those.”

- Sarah Gillis, SMWS Class of 2012 and Sr. Space Operations Engineer at SpaceX

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