Now Enrolling Prekindergarten and Kindergarten

Rainbow Garden

Rainbow Garden is an afternoon kindergarten program provided for parents who wish an extended day for their children.You can contract for 2, 3, 4, or 5 days a week. It is not a “drop-in” program. Business arrangements are made through the Business Office after checking with the Director for availability. It is first-come, first-served, so please sign up as soon as possible.

Contracts may be picked up at the Business Office.

Rainbow Garden is provided for the children to give them a warm, secure, and consistent environment to complement their busy, active morning in the kindergarten.

Rainbow Garden includes a rest time. During this time, the children are soothed into a quiet space with music, finger plays, and stories. This is followed by a very quiet space in which the children go inward to rest their minds and bodies, and allow the images of their busy day to settle in gradually. At this time, some children fall asleep, while others lie quietly.

The remainder of the afternoon is spent in free play, indoors or out.

Rainbow Garden Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday
12:30 PM to 3:00 PM

12:30 to 2:00 PM

Please note that pick-up time is 10 minutes earlier than the grade school. Please be prompt in picking up your child, otherwise he/she will be signed into our aftercare program and you will be billed a minimum of one hour for aftercare.

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