Now Enrolling 1st through 5th Grade

Grade 4

The theme of rebirth out of disintegration and destruction, characterized in Norse Mythology, is emphasized in the Language Arts Curriculum.  The students hear of the destruction of nearly the entire pantheon of Norse gods and their parallel worlds.  This destruction, however, leads to a new order in the divine worlds. In the aftermath of the nine-year change, the children begin to experience new capacities both inwardly in their thinking, and in their academic work.

Students are introduced to local Colorado History. They learn about the early Native American dwellers, as well as the white settlers, prospectors, pioneers, and cowboys that followed – and also disappeared in the course of time – to give way to a new society and culture that is our modern society.  These stories help the students appreciate that something dear to us can be lost, but we can also recover and create something new.  The students begin to locate themselves in the world and learn about geography and map-making, along with local and state history.

In Language Arts, most students have moved on to reading chapter books and writing simple compositions.  All students learn library skills in conjunction with their first research paper, assigned on an animal of the student’s choice. This first report is presented in oral, written, and pictorial form.  They begin to learn how to outline story material and further develop their writing skills.  Grammar lessons continue to solidify knowledge of the parts of speech and verb tenses.

In the Science Curriculum, the study of the senses and the three-fold human body (head, trunk and limbs) are taught, next to a general introduction to Zoology. The teacher helps the students address the question: What makes us, as human beings, unique?  What is our place in the greater scheme of creation?  The students begin to answer these questions through a comparison between the human being and the animal kingdom.

In addition to reviewing previous math concepts, fractions are introduced in the fourth grade Math curriculum.  The students learn how to work with fractions using all four mathematical processes.  Continuing work with times tables, out of order, 1-12, is stressed.

The Music curriculum continues with students playing instrumental, string, and recorder music, and adds choral music.

The students continue to learn German, Spanish, Handwork, Form Drawing, Games, and Eurythmy.

- Sarah Gillis, SMWS Class of 2012 and Sr. Space Operations Engineer at SpaceX

“I feel like one of the really important things that you get out of a Waldorf education is curiosity—curiosity to go and learn and explore what’s out there in the world. I fell into engineering and a path that I don’t think I would have anticipated, but having an arts background where you’re bringing creativity and imagination into problem-solving, there’s a really incredible synergy between those.”

- Sarah Gillis, SMWS Class of 2012 and Sr. Space Operations Engineer at SpaceX

Waldorf Cultivates Skills Employers Want