Untold Story: How Waldorf Education Prepares Students for the Online World

Sixth grade students at Shining Mountain Waldorf School dissect a computer in a Cyber Civics lesson entitled “Investigating Today’s Tools.” PHOTO: Joshua Berman

By Joshua Berman This article was originally published in The Boulder Daily Camera’s “Raised in the Rockies” Family and Parenting Guide on August 1, 2022 An excited cluster of sixth graders surrounded the table where I’d placed an assortment of devices — an old iPhone, PC and laptop. I was about to remove the side […]

Poem by Shanti Berman, 8th grader, at Rose Ceremony, June 10, 2022

A Poem to My Class By Shanti Berman, 8th grade student, delivered to the Shining Mountain Waldorf School community during the Rose Ceremony, June 10, 2022 He left She came They stayed. The numbers are moving and moved and move 30 and 24 But it is not the same They sing, they dance, they play, […]

- Sarah Gillis, SMWS Class of 2012 and Sr. Space Operations Engineer at SpaceX

“I feel like one of the really important things that you get out of a Waldorf education is curiosity—curiosity to go and learn and explore what’s out there in the world. I fell into engineering and a path that I don’t think I would have anticipated, but having an arts background where you’re bringing creativity and imagination into problem-solving, there’s a really incredible synergy between those.”

- Sarah Gillis, SMWS Class of 2012 and Sr. Space Operations Engineer at SpaceX

Columbia University: Kids Learn Better Off Screens